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Hope as a Resurrection People: A Children's Curriculum

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Tags: 2025resources

Hope as a Resurrection People is a children’s curriculum that helps children build trust in Jesus to bring them comfort and support as they find courageous hope in the face of uncertainty. As they move through each session, they will develop their understanding of hope by reflecting on important people, communities, places, activities, personal goals, and desires for the future. Then, they will look for ways to build communal hope to be the change our world needs today. 

Throughout the eight one-hour sessions of Hope as a Resurrection People children will create a “Tree of Hope,” offering them a time of creative reflection as they explore parts of their lives that help build hope—from the people (roots), ground (places and communities), to the fruit (joy meant to be shared), and finally, a forest as we come together as a forest of hope—preparing our hearts to serve.

Author Joni Cisowski is a lifetime United Methodist who has worked for more than 11 years as a family minister and is also a trained Stephen Ministry coach. She says, “When people ask me to share a little about myself, I always start with I love Jesus, sharing my faith with others, and teaching children. I hope for all people to know our redeemer.” 

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